Being the finest incinerator manufacturers in Kerala, we offer the best incinerator solution for flats, Schools, Hospitals, Houses, Colleges, Auditoriums, Hotels, and many others. The whole process is carried out by expert technicians so that our customers have a flawless experience. Choose from our wide range of options that suit your needs. When it comes to biogas plants for homes in Kerala or whether it is incinerator solutions, FRD remains the final word.
Our mission is to guide the people for “NATURAL LIVING”. To make a “GREEN NATURE” To make India a zero waste country through various projects.FRD Biomech is dedicated to make all the renewable resources into useful energy.
Building No.12/503 ,
Opp. Sakthi Automobiles,
Nadathara Mannuthy Bypass Road ,
Near Petrol Bunk, Nadathara ,KL IN - 680 751
11/443 , KNR Road, Nettiserry ,
Mannuthy P.O, Thrissur,KL IN - 680 751
Near Ramanilayam House, Panchayath Office Road, Kalladipatta, Ongallur, Pattambi 679313
Ph: +919778266200